
Saturday, March 9, 2013

2 Trimesters DONE!

I had completely forgotten that I had created this blog back in August when I found out that I was going to be starting my teaching career.

I stalk endless teaching blogs and I SERIOUSLY am wondering how they manage it. Teaching those amazing units AND blogging all about it AND creating those units from scratch. HOW? Could somebody please tell me that it gets easier after a while?

It is now the end of the second grading period, which means that this school year is two-thirds over. Frankly, I don't know how I managed to get to this point. I've been told multiple times by the administration that if I can just make it through this year, with this rough bunch of students, that I can make it through anything. Though it sounds promising, part of me wonders if it's just something they say to every new teacher. :)

I've been bogged down with seemingly endless negativity lately, so I figured I would make a list of things that I look forward to. Life is much better lived looking forward than it is looking back, so I think this will help!

Things Miss V. looks forward to:

  • Getting a new FOSS kit! This upcoming trimester it is going to be my goal to take the time to put together more engaging science lessons. If only there were time for this every day!
  • My latest Scholastic book order is on its way, which honestly contains more for me than it does for the kids. :)
  • Continuing to keep up the CAFE board with my third graders. Pictures to come next time. :)
  • Reading aloud EVERY DAY. There's just something to be said for reading aloud. My days just go so much better when I get to read to my students.
  • Learning to spend less time at school after contracted work time.
  • Going to CrossFit after school Monday-Friday.
  • Using awesome resources from TpT!
I hope to start a routine of making happy lists, instead of focusing only on the bad. It definitely would make me less likely to pull my hair out at the end of a rough day!